Aspiring to the Immortal Path - C.787: Elimination, One By One

Aspiring to the Immortal Path

C.787: Elimination, One By One

The desperately battling Jin Wuyu and company had naturally noticed the intense clash taking place at Godhead Mountain, but at this moment, they were finding it hard to keep themselves alive.

Zhan Wushang's death had immediately turned the tables. While Mystic Moon was too injured to keep fighting, Tang Jie was a force that couldn't be ignored.

Tang Jie's body had undergone a huge change in quality after reaching the Immortal Spirit Body level. That little bit of Immortal Spirit power had altered his blood energy such that it was no longer so vigorous, instead becoming more refined and mature, dense with profound spiritual energy.

If one had to describe it, one could say that Tang Jie's original body was like that of a fiend, possessing its own essence blood. Each drop of essence blood was packed with Immortal Spirit power, which allowed Tang Jie's original body to use law cultivator methods at critical moments.

Tang Jie shook his arm, upon which a golden mote of light appeared on the Sovereign Blade, and he thrust the blade at Hu Xuehua's hairpin phoenix.

Tang Jie had always kept his Weapon Mantra a secret in the Rosecloud Domain. When he had pierced through the Godhead Aegis, he had only revealed the sharpness of the Sovereign Blade and not the true essence of the Weapon Dao, so Hu Xuehua didn't pay this attack any mind.

But Shi Wunian sensed something wrong and shouted, "Elder Hu, watch out!"

Before Hu Xuehua could react, the Sovereign Blade touched the phoenix.

The woman smirked, thinking to herself, My fire phoenix was made from the soul of a true phoenix, so even if you slice it into ten thousand pieces, it will still be reborn from the flames. As a result, she didn't think anything bad would happen.

But a moment later, the phoenix let out a plaintive screech, as if it was in immense pain, and then the flames retreated, the hairpin returning to its original form. A light erupted from the golden hairpin as it fiercely shuddered, but then it gradually calmed back down.

"What's going on here?" Hu Xuehua blurted out in shock.

Tang Jie pursed his lips. "So it's still a little lacking?"

He had already given up on Dao armaments and was only targeting upper-grade divine treasures like this for the Weapon Mantra to destroy, but to his surprise, the phoenix seemed to have the ability to protect its host, saving the hairpin from being shattered. But Tang Jie could tell that the hairpin was struggling to protect itself, meaning that he wasn't far from success.

Tang Jie was at ease when he realized this, and he smiled. "Elder Mountain, hold down this old woman for a bit while I deal with this divine treasure."

"Okay!" the Mountain Shatter Boy shouted.

Although he didn't know what sort of method Tang Jie was using, he was keenly aware of the phoenix hairpin's abilities. If Tang Jie could deal with that divine treasure, then he wasn't afraid of Hu Xuehua at all. The Mountain Shatter Boy unleashed a powerful punch at Hu Xuehua. Even though he was a law cultivator, his fighting style was no different from a body cultivator's, unleashing punch after punch and leaving Hu Xuehua with no energy to worry about her hairpin.

Tang Jie chuckled and stabbed his sword at the hairpin again.

If one strike wouldn't do, he would just make a few more. He was sure that the hairpin couldn't hold on forever.

The hairpin radiated a brilliant light, and the phoenix let out a screech of pain and despair.

Tang Jie kept going, stabbing again and again while using the full power of the Weapon Mantra, determined to destroy the hairpin. The phoenix soul screeched again and again in the hopes of getting help from its master, but Hu Xuehua had no attention to spare. In the end, Jin Wuyu thrust a palm at Tang Jie, taking a blow from Ling Xiao in return.

Thanks to Tang Jie's Immortal Spirit Body, while this palm did some serious damage, he quickly recovered, and he continued to stab the sword at the hairpin. Gradually, the phoenix began to reach its limit and seemingly began to beg for mercy.

But Tang Jie ignored it, continuing to stab away.

The sword light falling on the hairpin was so incessant that the phoenix couldn't even come out.

Finally, with one more strike from Tang Jie's sword, the hairpin shattered, and a large bullet-sized golden grain flew out and disappeared into the Sovereign Blade.

At the same time, the phoenix soul was exposed, and it fled into the distance.

"Eh?" Tang Jie was startled that the phoenix hadn't perished with the hairpin. As expected of an upper-grade divine treasure, it truly possessed extraordinary attributes.

But since it wasn't destroyed yet, he couldn't just let it go.

Tang Jie reached out a clawed hand, his palm exerting a pull on the phoenix that brought it back. He laughed and said, "Since you aren't willing to become a part of my Sovereign Blade, then I'll turn you into essence blood to nourish my body."

He stuffed the phoenix soul into his mouth and devoured it. Circulating his energy, he ground up the feeble soul, converting it into pure energy and absorbing it, increasing the Immortal Spirit power in his body by just a little.

"My phoenix!" Hu Xuehua wailed.

Tang Jie ignored her and turned to Han Wuxin. His target this time was the Phantom Blade.

He had a firm understanding of his place. The weakest person here was still a Deification cultivator.

When his body was incomplete, he was very limited in what he could do, but the Sovereign Blade's power was limitless. By using it against Godhead Palace's weapons, he could greatly restrain them.

The Phantom Blade was a Dao armament, and while it was the very lowest tier of Dao armament, it enjoyed the protection of a Dao, so it wasn't something Tang Jie could destroy. However, this didn't mean he couldn't restrain it. Moreover, the Sovereign Blade was still extremely sharp, even able to pierce the Godhead Aegis. Tang Jie was sure that Han Wuxin was unwilling to see his Phantom Blade cut up into a saw.

Even if it could heal, he still didn't want that to happen!

As expected, the moment Tang Jie thrust out his sword, Han Wuxin immediately backed away in fright, not daring to take him on directly. He swiftly summoned rays of dark energy that shot at Tang Jie.

Tang Jie didn't care. His Immortal Spirit Body didn't have the ability to thought cast, but every swing of his arm and shout had the effect of a thunder spell.

As the dark bolts of energy approached, he swung the Sovereign Blade, obliterating many of the bolts. The few that managed to get through harmlessly struck his body, only causing him to slightly wrinkle his brow. With a single stride, he instantly closed the distance and swung the Sovereign Blade again.

This frenzied wave of saber energy could even tear apart the fabric of space, and Han Wuxin was forced to retreat again, but in doing so, he left an opening that the Nine Splendors True Lord seized to stab him.

Han Wuxin howled, and a crimson ring of light erupted from his body.

Seeing this, the Nine Splendors True Lord quickly fell back, shouting, "Retreat!"

Tang Jie had also sensed the power of this attack, but he merely grunted and said, "The successor of the Martial Lord doesn't know the meaning of retreat."

With a roar, he grew two heads and four arms. It was the Divine Connection left behind by the Herding Yang Pearl. After several hundred years, Tang Jie had finally managed to restore it to its full form.

The six arms each grasped a weapon: the Sovereign Blade, the Mother Cloud Essence Metal axe, the Desolate Heavens Halberd, the Thundershatter Saber, the Wildfire Spear, and the Annihilation Gale Sword.

The Desolate Heavens Halberd had come from He Changan. It had always been very useful, and while it had gradually fallen behind as Tang Jie grew in power, Tang Jie had never traded it in for a new weapon. Rather, he had requested Tie Lian to upgrade it into a divine treasure.

The Thundershatter Saber had come from the Thunder Blade Fiend Emperor, and it was a very powerful divine treasure.

The Wildfire Spear had been the Aurora Fiend Emperor's weapon, and it was even stronger than the Thundershatter Saber. It was just that Aurora had been forced to commit suicide before he could even use it, and so it was now Tang Jie's.

The Annihilation Gale Sword was the strongest of the Peerless Sword Pavilion's thirteen divine swords. Although it was inferior to the Thundershatter Saber and Wildfire Spear, the fact that it could store Astral Wind meant that it had become one of the everyday weapons for Tang Jie's original body, who cultivated using the Astral Winds. As Tang Jie increased the intensity of his cultivation, the Astral Winds in the Annihilation Gale Blade grew more and more concentrated, making the sword more and more powerful.

With six weapons in hands, Tang Jie charged at the crimson light.

The moment the crimson light touched Tang Jie, there was a loud hiss, his steely skin immediately beginning to melt away, as if someone had poured acid on it.

"Tang Jie!" Nine Splendors was aghast. He was the person most aware of the effects of Han Wuxin's Heart-Eating Blood Poison. It was both extremely corrosive and difficult to remove, able to melt the average Celestial Heart cultivator into a puddle of blood in seconds. He had accidentally gotten a little of this poison on him in a previous battle, and he had needed ten-some days to finally expel it.

By charging straight into the poison, Tang Jie was taking on a hundred times more than he had.

Tang Jie simply laughed. "I'm fine!"

He swung all six weapons at Han Wuxin.

Han Wuxin was like a ghost, taking a step backward and disappearing. At the same time, a pitch-black ghost appeared where he had stood, lunging at Tang Jie.

"A ghost from the Nether hmph, Han Wuxin, you broke the taboo and cultivated Ghost Dao arts!" Nine Splendors angrily said.

This ghost was a product of the Ghost Dao, and it was both powerful and difficult to catch. Nine Splendors felt fury over this unexpected card Han Wuxin had played.

"When your life is on the line, who cares about what's taboo or not? Moreover, I sent my soul down to the Yellow Springs to catch this ghost. I didn't make it out of a living person, so I didn't break any sort of taboo!" Han Wuxin's voice rang out from the surroundings.

"A ghost?" Tang Jie chuckled. He couldn't even be bothered to look at it. "Little Three, it's yours."


Little Three jumped out of the void, a blinding white streak.

The moment the ghost saw it, it let out a quavering shriek and ran away.

"What?" Han Wuxin was dumbfounded.

It wouldn't have been surprising if the ghost had been killed. After all, it was just a form of support and wasn't as strong as Han Wuxin himself. But this was his first time seeing a ghost turn tail upon seeing such a small ghost. It had to be understood that when Han Wuxin's soul had captured this ghost, it had been an extremely strong ghost of the Nether Domain, able to contend against the average Ghost Emperor. So why did it run away?

But there was no time for Han Wuxin to find out the answer, for as Little Three chased after the ghost, it waved at him while passing by. Han Wuxin immediately knew that he had been exposed and made a flying leap.

His Dao of Concealment belonged to the Dao of Space, and while he had yet to enter the Dao, he was capable enough in the Dao that even the Dao of Insight couldn't find him, allowing him to go around as he pleased. But Little Three had exposed him with the wave of a hand.

The moment he jumped out from his concealed space, Tang Jie swung his six weapons.

"NO!" Han Wuxin cried out in fear.


Six weapons plunged into his chest.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by (f)reew𝒆b(n)

