Destined with You - C.371 - 376: Lost Interest

Destined with You

C.371 - 376: Lost Interest

Chapter 371: Chapter 376: Lost Interest

The sharp pain made Bai Jingqing shudder violently.

ā€œIā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t do it on purpose!ā€ Bai Qianqian quickly apologized to him. Bai Jingqing, trembling with pain, cursed the woman who dared to bite him! ā€œQianqian, I think youā€™re a smart girl. Tomorrowā€¦ your mother is supposed to have surgery, and Iā€™m the lead surgeon!ā€ Bai Jingqing grabbed her long hair and said through gritted teeth.

Bai Qianqian, ā€œā€¦ā€

This bastard, using her mother to threaten her!

Fine! She would let him off this time. If he dared to disrespect her like that again, she would bite him off!

Just as Bai Jingqing was sighing in relief, someone suddenly knocked at the office door.

The door was then pushed open, and Bai Ruiqingā€™s voice rang out, ā€œBig brother, arenā€™t you done with your work yet?ā€

One sentence and the two people inside the room seemed to freeze.

Bai Qianqian only felt her head buzzing, becoming blank in an instant. Was her embarrassing side going to be seen by senior Rui Qing?

Bai Jingqing reacted first. He quickly sorted himself out and pushed her under the office desk.

Why did this guy have to come at this time! He was uncomfortable between a rock and a hard place!

ā€œNot yet, why are you here?ā€ Bai Jingqing slid the chair forward and sat behind the desk, with no peculiarities being visible to outsiders.

Bai Qianqian also reacted, shrinking herself at the very corner, not daring to move a bit, and even breathing softly.

ā€œOn my way home from work, I came to check on you.ā€ When Bai Ruiqing came in, his eyes fell on the backpack on the sofa.

ā€œBig brother, whose backpack is this?ā€

ā€œAā€¦friendā€™s, she left it here.ā€ Bai Jingqing responded casually.

ā€œCould it be my future sister-in-lawā€™s?ā€ Bai Ruiqingā€™s devious smile lit up his face.

ā€œDonā€™t be ridiculous, sheā€™s just a friend. She was talking with me and forgot to take it with her when she left.ā€

ā€œBig brother, when will you finish your work? Iā€™ll head home with you.ā€ Bai Ruiqing sat on the chair facing the desk.

Qianqian hiding under the desk is only separated by a piece of wood.

Bai Qianqian bit her arm hard, she was so close to the man she loved, but she knew the distance between them was like opposite ends of the earth.

The most painful thing in the world must be, the one you love is right in front of you, he loves you, but you donā€™t qualify to love him anymore.

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Even if you exhaust all your good luck, there wonā€™t be a sliver of chance to be with him again.

ā€œI have a very important operation tomorrow, so Iā€™m going to sleep at the hospital tonight. You go ahead.ā€ Bai Jingqing felt the trembling of the girl under the table, his expression darkened.

ā€œBig brother, we havenā€™t drunk together for a long time. When will you have time for us to have a drink together?ā€ Bai Ruiqing was in a bad mood.

ā€œSure, anytime after tomorrow.ā€ Bai Jingqing knew his younger brother had something on his mind. He used to like to drink with him when he was troubled.

ā€œThen brother, you should rest early too. Iā€™ll head home,ā€ Bai Ruiqing got up, said goodbye to his big brother and left.

The moment the office door closed, Bai Jingqing felt somewhat dazed, leaning back on the chair. He pushed the chair back a bit, his interest faded.

He zipped up his pants, belted them, and stood up to lock the door at the entrance.

